My word for 2019

Here we are. The start of a new year. I usually make food resolutions and blog about them every year in addition to coming up with a word for the year. I didn’t write about my food resolutions in a separate post but I will share some of them throughout the year probably. Anyway, let’s go back in time for a bit.

My word for 2017 was manifest. I love that word. In the back of my mind, manifest is still part of my life. I believe that manifesting and speaking your dreams into existence is part of life. I hold that notion very dear to my heart and mind. Last year, I choose intent as my word for the year. I still feel as if I have more work to do with that one.

I kept the word intent in my mind constantly throughout the year especially when choosing projects. I tried to pause often and ask myself the intent of why I was saying or doing something. It didn’t matter if it was at home in my personal life or professionally in a meeting. Even though I was conscious of my word, I do believe it’s something I need to continue carrying with me in this new year.

So what’s my word for 2019?

As a fully formed (sort of) adult, I take pleasure in the fact that I can change my mind about something. I’m allowed to change my opinion on a subject (imagine that). That’s why my word for the year is: SHIFT.

On a superficial level, this means being OK with shifting my thoughts and opinions. Some think that once you state your view on something, it’s blasphemous to change your mind. Sometimes you get more knowledge on the subject at hand and sometimes you just evolve as a person. No matter what: it’s OK.

The other most significant reason for the word SHIFT comes from a video I watched of Oprah. In this clip she talks about shifting the paradigm of you view things; finding significance in the things you do but also shifting how you think about it. She talks about the idea that no matter who you are and what you do, you can shift. Shift from thinking about how much money you can make or how successful you can be to how can you be of significance. Does this make sense?

How will I be of significance through the service(s) I offer?

You can answer that question once you shift your way of thinking. So, my word for the year requires I do some work. It requires I keep manifesting and being intentional about the things I do. But it also requires me to be open to shifting. Sometimes that means shifting plans, shifting thoughts or even shifting aspects of a business. Whatever it means throughout this year, I’m open and ready.

What’s your word for the year?


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