After I gave birth to Mason and was ready to jump into some light movement, I was really interested in some at-home workouts. The “c” word was still rampant, so we canceled our gym membership because neither of us was interested in going to the gym. Somehow I stumbled upon FitOn. I honestly think I saw Gabrielle Union mention it on Instagram and it made me curious. FitOn is a free workout app (with paid upgrades available) designed to help with our at-home workouts.
While I find that working out in group settings helps me stay focused and keeps me accountable, I wasn’t quite ready for that yet and FitOn was a lifesaver – so much so, I still use it today. I will occasionally work out in a class; I even did a trial run with a trainer who I loved, but my schedule simply didn’t allow for that at the moment. In the meantime, FitOn fulfills all my workout needs. If you’re someone who wants to move your body for whatever reason or maybe you’re intimidated by the gym, I’m sharing my favorite FitOn trainers (and workouts) just for you.
My favorite FitOn trainers
OK let me preface this by saying, there are tons of great trainers (even celebrity ones) on FitOn and I haven’t had a chance to experience everyone so this post may be updated as I continue on my FitOn journey.
Caroline Pearce
When I first tried a Caroline workout, I wasn’t a fan but I think it was user error. I picked a workout that I probably wasn’t ready to do at the time. Since then, Caroline has become one of my favorite FitOn trainers. Her workouts, no matter the length will definitely get you sweating.
Bree Koegel
What I love about Bree is how gentle she is but let me tell you, she’s a beast. And a fun fact, she used to be a Rockette!
Breann Mitchell
Breann is another trainer who will work you just hard enough but makes you feel good at the same time – how is that possible? I don’t understand how endorphins work. I love that Breann teaches as she goes (most of the trainers do) so I’m learning as I’m sweating. Win/win.
Jeanette Jenkins
One of the celebrity trainers, I first became aware of Jeanette years ago as some of her clients are some of my favorite celebs. She’s tough but fun. I love her workout commentary; it helps get your mind off of whatever workout you’re doing.
Kenta Seki
Kenta is what I like to think of as a “gentle giant”. The workouts can be tough but he’s so gentle in how he leads his workouts, that I don’t even mind.
Cassey Ho
Cassey is a pilates queen but I typically use her workouts for stretching. I find her to be gentle in her stretching and flexibility guidance, which is something I’m working on.
While these aren’t all the trainers I use on the FitOn app, these are the FitOn trainers I gravitate to the most.

FitOn workouts I use the most
In addition to my at-home workouts with my favorite FitOn Trainers, there are also certain workouts that I absolutely love. I try to rotate and not do the same things over and over so I have a tone of variety in my exercise routine but these are my absolute favorites. Here we go:
- Flexibility Stretch (with Cassey Ho)
- Dumbbell Strength (with Caroline Pearce)
- Tone it in Ten (with Caroline Pearce) – I love this one because it’s just 10 minutes and you don’t need any weights.
- Relaxing Gentle Stretch (with Vytas)
- Ultimate Sculpt (with Caroline Pearce)
- Ultimate Booty (with Caroline Pearce)
- 10 Min Abs (with Caroline Pearce)
- Serious Six Pack (with Bree Koegel)
- Barre Breakthrough (with Sydney Belina)
- Quick Neck Stretch (with Kenta Seki)
- Absolute Strength & Core (with Bree Koegel)
OK, I hope this helps you if you’re on an at-home workout journey like me. As I continue to explore this app, I’m learning more and discovering new workouts and FitOn trainers who I love. Have you used this app? Tell me your favorites!