Soy Sauce Scrambled Eggs

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Have I mentioned my obsession with Chef’s Table on Netflix? I love most food and cooking shows (especially travel + food shows) and Chef’s Table was really eye-opening. It gave real insight to how a lot of well-known international chefs work and an insider’s view to their restaurants. It was pretty cool. Though I’m not a chef, I was so inspired by a lot of the stories and dishes. One of the chef’s (can’t remember who it was) mentioned something about seasoning scrambled eggs with soy sauce and my mind was blown. This isn’t a new thing but I’d never had it so off I went to make some soy sauce scrambled eggs.

So the premise was simple: instead of salt use soy sauce to salt your eggs. Duh. That sounds so ridiculously easy, doesn’t it? I then went down a rabbit hole of other things I could do: spicy soy sauce scrambled eggs, miso scrambled eggs, bacon scrambled eggs (using bacon grease), the list goes on!

I decided not to get too crazy with eggs because I needed to chill. I stuck with the original plan of soy sauce scrambled eggs, which turned out pretty yummy. I have to admit, they don’t look that great (in my opinion). The eggs are bright and beautiful with their yellow color then you add in this dark soy sauce, it makes the eggs look…interesting but they taste so good! I served these eggs on top of toast and it made for a pretty decent breakfast. The toast wasn’t just any toast though, it was olive oil toast, which is MY FAVORITE WAY TO MAKE TOAST. John and I don’t even own a toaster because when we want toast I just ‘fry’ it in olive oil. Ohhhh it’s good. You can get the recipe and other variations in my e-book.

Anyway, these eggs would be great with a little added spice like sambal or sriracha. I always love a little heat with the flavor of soy sauce. I just feel like spice and saltiness from soy sauce go hand-in-hand.

Alright, let’s make these eggs.

How to: Soy sauce scrambled eggs


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