Peach hot honey margarita

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If you love spicy margaritas, a hot honey margarita is where it’s at. Trust me. I love margaritas and when I’m feeling extra sassy, I’ll order a spicy one. Jalapeños are my jam and while I welcome them in my margaritas, adding hot honey as an ingredient is ten times better, in my opinion.

Hear me out. Replacing the jalepeño with hot honey gives your margarita a slow, sweet burn, in the most delightful way. A jalapeño doesn’t have the same “slow burn” effect. I can’t say this enough but hot honey as a margarita ingredient has truly changed my life. Now, I’ll still order a spicy margarita however a bar will prepare it but if I have my choice in things, I’m choosing a hot honey margarita all day.

How to make a peach hot honey margarita

Before we get to the recipe, for the peach portion of this margarita, I used Simply Peach juice. My original plan was to use peach nectar but I was having a difficult time finding it. Simply Peach worked just fine but I’d imagine, finding a peach nectar would be even better.

You could also try this using any other fruit flavors. Mango, strawberry and cherries come to mind as yummy options.


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