Savannah Weekend Guide

The first time John and I visited Savannah, it was a quick 36-hour getaway. We revisited Savannah with Jennifer and Walter a few years ago for the Fourth of July holiday. We even visited in January 2020 while I was pregnant and before life stopped as we know it (hi Coronavirus). Earlier this summer, we decided to close The Chattery for two weeks (ya know, adults deserve summer break too). During that time off, we returned to Savannah along with our families.

Savannah is a beautiful city not to mention it’s very close to the beach. There are a lot of restaurants and bars to try and a number of things to try with the kiddos. Savannah has always reminded me of New Orleans and Charleston in a way. Though if I had to rank the three cities, Savannah would come in third (shh, don’t tell anyone). On this last visit to Savannah, we had a lovely time but let’s be honest, vacations with children (especially toddlers) aren’t that much of a vacation, right?

We stayed in a hotel on this visit and the hotel wasn’t that great so I’m not going to mention where we stayed or the brand. This Savannah travel guide mentions all the places we’ve frolicked to over the years. If there’s a place we should visit on the next trip, let me know!

Savannah travel guide

Photo: Jennifer Holder

If you decide to visit Savannah in the summer, beware: it is HOT. I know this probably isn’t shocking to most of you but I can’t reiterate it enough. Be prepared. When we visited in 2020, it was in January so the temperature was more tolerable. Humid, but tolerable.

Every time we’ve visited Savannah, we’ve eaten a ton of delicious food. So far, my most memorable meals have been from Linda’s Seafood Market and The Grey. Linda’s is an unassuming seafood market that does not offer tables or chairs for customers to sit on. You order your food then you leave. We ate at Linda’s Seafood Market at the recommendation of our Uber driver. She warned us that it may not look fancy but she asked us to trust her because it was delicious. She was right.

I first learned about The Grey by watching an episode of Chef’s Table. I even set an alarm on my phone to remind me to make a reservation.

You can download my Savannah travel guide below. If you have any suggestions for our next visit to Savannah, leave a comment.





3 thoughts on “Savannah Weekend Guide

  1. Pingback: National Coffee Day: Coffee Roundup | Eat.Drink.Frolic.

  2. Pingback: Take a Tour of Our Nashville Airbnb | Eat.Drink.Frolic.

  3. Eric Kenney

    One of my favorite things to do is visit Forsyth Park when they have the farmer’s market. You can get some food and relax in the park. The park also has some nice playscapes for the kids.


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