Weekend Thoughts: Word of the Year

So 2017 is upon us and here’s to not only hoping for a great year but actually making it a great year. For the last couple of years, I’ve been incorporating a word to into my yearly plan. Not just any word but a word that will describe how I’m going to succeed in the next 12 months. Last year I shared my word here on the blog. I picked the word “go” because I eagerly wanted to move forward and GO do stuff – not just talk about it. I’m excited to share my 2017 word of the year with you.

This year’s word is: MANIFEST.

I like that word a lot. According the Dictionary.com, manifest is a display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate. This year, my goal is to manifest professional accomplishments by demonstrating success and confidence in everything I do. I wholeheartedly believe that what you put into the universe, is what you will receive back from it. This can be in a form of meditation, prayer or the actions in your daily life.

my word for 2017I chose my word of the year simply because of where I am today. Last year was a lot of trial and error. This year is all about putting 2016’s life lessons into action and manifesting those lessons into sweet reality. As I work towards this goal, I know a lot of hard work, dedication and some sacrifice will have to be given. And you know what? I’m OK with that.

I’m so happy to start 2017 with a great support system who will do nothing but encourage me to manifest the life I want to live and for that, I’m thankful. Choosing a word of the year isn’t necessary for the start of a new year but it sure is helpful for me. If you’re not into tons of unrealistic resolutions, I’d encourage you to find a word that best suits the life you’d like to live in 2017. Make it fun, make it inspirational but most importantly, make it yours.

Happy New Year!


One thought on “Weekend Thoughts: Word of the Year

  1. Pingback: Weekend Vibes: Brunch Recipes | Eat.Drink.Frolic.

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