I decided to publish a very quick, not planned 2023 recap. So if you’re reading this and it seems a bit chaotic or all over the place, that’s why. While I miss writing here more often, life hasn’t afforded me enough hours to make it routine, so sporadic posts are what you get!
2023 felt like it went by so fast. I know a lot of years can feel this way but there’s just something about this year that gave me whiplash. I don’t have any resolutions necessarily for 2024 but I am attempting to make some life changes (very slowly) and maybe that counts as a resolution. Some things are pretty simple like making attainable monthly goals. I’m finding that this will be easier for me rather than setting huge yearly goals that feel can sometimes feel overwhelming. I’m sure I’ll still set large goals but my plan is for them to feel doable and not suffocating – ya know?
Anyway, here’s my 2023 recap. I’ve chosen one photo from each month (very hard) and included a brief explanation. Happy New Year!
JANUARY – Got my first mammogram!

FEBRUARY – Celebrated my friend’s (Jordan) art exhibit.

MARCH – Traveled to Santa Fe (alone)!

APRIL – Celebrated my sweet angel’s 3rd birthday.

MAY – Kept up playing tennis with my friend Bri.

JUNE – Honored and celebrated Juneteenth in the most magical way.

JULY – Finally returned to our favorite city, Charleston! I promise an updated guide is coming soon.

AUGUST – My favorite time of the year – birthday time!

SEPTEMBER – Saw Hannibal Burress with friends.

OCTOBER – Celebrated Halloween with Elsa and a dino.

NOVEMBER – Took our annual cabin getaway with John and friends.

DECEMBER – A blurry yet fun photo from our annual Black Christmas (renamed to Jet Christmas Crawl).