I decided to write (finally). I guess #flatteningthecurve has its perks. Not too long ago John asked, “when are you going to blog again?”. I had no idea. I also had no plan of taking a hiatus. Never. I have recipes and photos that you’ve never seen but I’m excited to share, I just never got around to it. I thought that I’d have time and a desire to share but shocker: I didn’t.
This little site of mine is my heart and soul. I’ve been doing it for nine years now – actually it was nine years earlier this month! I have no desire to let it go…yet and so when I didn’t feel like writing or sharing, it was new to me but I listened and did as my body and mind told me to.
Lately, I’ve been feeling the urge to write, cook and photograph things again but there’s been quite a lot going on in our lives. In addition to the baby news I shared in my 2019 recap, we moved recently and much to my dismay, we’re still unpacking and organizing things. But that’s not the point of this post. Besides all the things going on in our lives personally, there’s A LOT happening in our world which has caused me and everyone else to self-quarantine.
Even though this can seem like a pain, it’s necessary and so we’re all playing by the rules. To take my mind off of things, there are some very small things I’ve been doing that brings me joy.
Small things bringing me joy while we #flattenthecurve

Put on jewelry
I know that seems really frivolous but since I haven’t really gone anywhere, I haven’t needed to put on jewelry. But what I’ve realized is that something as simple as putting on earrings other items, actually made me feel a little bit happier. I had a video conference call the other day and beforehand, I put on earrings and I felt like I was ready for the call. Try it!
Practiced my skincare routine
Because I have lots to do but nowhere to go, I’ll be honest: I haven’t taken good care of my skin. I love my skincare routine and I thought it was time to put it back in my morning rotation. Ahhh, I’m so glad I did. Not only did I feel better but so did my skin.
Yes, I know we’re all social distancing but we finally had a break in the clouds and the sun came out AND it was warm. Naturally, fresh air and vitamin D can instantly make you feel a little better so I took advantage of that.
Started a new show
While watching TV can seem monotonous, I find a little joy relaxing in the bed or on the couch to watch a show. This time around, I decided to start 90 Day Fiancé. So far, so good.
Organized our linen closet
Call it nesting or call it we just moved into a new house and desperately need to organize. Whatever you want to call it, I did it and it felt great. So perhaps pick a small and attainable project in your house to tidy up or get it organized. You’ll feel better afterward, I promise.
Connect with friends
So I recently downloaded the Marco Polo app at the suggestion of my friend Stephanie. I still don’t quite know what I’m doing but it’s definitely been fun to send videos to friends (just two of them for the time being) so that we can update each other on things outside of Instagram and text messaging.
While these activities won’t make our quarantine go any faster, it can bring *some* relief if we’re feeling a little anxious. What you are doing to ease your mind?
Love all these ideas! Thanks for the beauty in the day!
Thanks, Maggie. Miss you!