Wedding Watch: Planning Update

During the day, I help plan and manage events for a nonprofit…nothing compared to trying to plan a wedding.  I’m typically a very organized person. I love lists, post-its and crossing things off gives me some sort of sense of accomplishment.  Not to say that this process has been all hard because it hasn’t. I’ve enjoyed it and I have some amazing friends both near and far who have helped me with many things and have talked me through this process (especially the RSVP drama). The actual planning has been pretty easy compared to trying to wrangle 100+ people to return their response cards and/or tell us if they’re coming or not.  Again, I work in events so I understand the drama behind figuring out if someone is coming to your fundraising dinner or not but this is on another level because you’re dealing with family and friends.  Nevertheless, we’re down to the wire and as far as planning goes: we’re almost done!

All of the major items were pretty much taken care of last year and now we’re just gathering all of the little things, which is fun but tiring.  I’m looking forward to walking down the aisle soon and seeing John’s cute little face at the end of it.

This is the last Wedding Watch post until the wedding. Though this wasn’t much of an update of any sorts, I think this served as a reminder to me that it’s almost time! Yay! After the wedding, I’m putting together a week’s worth of posts that will outline our special day and the actual planning process I’ll be highlighting our vendors and other tips to help anyone else in the planning stages!



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