Taste Test: Marshmallow Oreos

I’m such a sucker for products that have ‘limited edition’ written on the front.  It makes me feel like I have to purchase it before it runs out never to be seen again.  During the time of the Super Bowl, there was a lot of buzz about two new flavors of Oreos: marshallow and cookie dough.  Immediately, my mind went straight to the cookie dough cookie.  Who doesn’t love cookie dough?! Well, there is that whole thing that cookie dough isn’t safe for us to consume, which makes it very difficult for me to eat it.  I read a couple reviews of both flavors and there were good and bad reviews about both of them…obviously that confused me. One review of the cookie dough Oreo stated that it was a really tasty cookie but that they wouldn’t describe it as cookie dough but more of an espresso cookie.  Ahhhh! Confused again.  On a sidenote: Oreo should think about doing an espresso cookie; I’d be all over it.  At any rate, I decided that whichever flavor I saw in the grocery store, that’s what I was going to buy.  It jut so happened that my grocery store ONLY has marshmallow.  Guess we’re going home with the marshmallow flavor.

Honestly, I like them.  Super-sweet – as is every flavor of Oreos.  I told John that this cookie reminded me of two delicious shortbread cookie (preferably Girl Scout’s Trefoil cookies) with a sweet cream in the middle.  I guess you could say they’re a bit reminiscent of rice krispy treats even though it really reminds me of shortbread cookies.

Have you tried them yet? What do you think?


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