The Weekend

What a beautiful weekend! I got a chance to spend time with my best friend at her bridal shower and enjoy a few cocktails.  I can’t believe her big day is coming up next month.  John and I have quite a few weddings to attend this year, which is exciting but tiring at the same time.  I’m really looking forward to heading to Boston later this summer for my college roommate’s wedding.  At any rate, Jeannine’s bridal shower fell on National Margarita Day so naturally we served margaritas (and mimosas); we never turn down an opportunity to sip on margaritas.  I was really looking forward to this weekend because last week was just so crazy!  I feel like I barely slept at all.  I’m hoping this week will be filled with a little bit more sleep but I’m sure it’ll still be pretty high-paced. We’ll see…

John and I stopped by our favorite Friday breakfast place, Bluegrass.  Gotta love the happy Father’s Day mug. There was a little bit of a rose theme to the bridal shower (it’s also the bride’s middle name).  John surprised me with a sweet picnic Sunday after I returned from Atlanta; the weather was so beautiful we couldn’t help but get outside and enjoy it.  We also went on a walk with his parents where I rewarded myself with a little ice cream treat.  So good.  I ended my weekend with a Philly cheesesteak and a red wine spritzer (will share recipe soon).  Full disclosure: the cheesesteak wasn’t that awesome.  A trip to Philadelphia may be in order soon.

Happy Monday!


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