The Best Miso Butter Chicken Ever

To be clear, today’s post IS about the most delicious miso butter chicken but allow me to chat about something before getting into that. For what feels like forever, our dining room table has had stuff on it. Just stuff. Depending on where your dining room table is located in proximity to your front door, it may be easy for you to just pile stuff on it as you enter your home.

Currently, when you enter our home, you’re pretty much entering into our dining area and it’s really easy to put stuff on the table. Our current table is one I purchased when I moved to Chattanooga – I was really excited to have it. It’s not fancy by any means but I just liked having it. John and I would have dinner at the table, not in front of the television and just talk and eat. It was nice and it *almost* felt like we were adults. Imagine that.

As time went on, we still ate at the table (sometimes) but we didn’t make a habit out of it. Fast forward to today: we never eat at the table. Ever. I sort of miss it. There are certain meals I make that, in my opinion, deserve to be enjoyed at a proper dinner table. One of those meals being this miso butter chicken. To say that the current state of our “dining area” stresses me out would be a huge understatement. It honestly gives me some type of anxiety where just looking at it and trying to deal with the mess of it all makes me want to run into a corner and hide.


But its OK. We’re going to figure it out. I’m also in the market for a new dining room table (yep). I want one that allows us to seat a couple more people and one that’s more rectangle/square; our current table is round. Also with my new venture, Hostess With Mimosas, I’m going to do lots of tablescape inspiration posts and having a table that allows a little room for creativity is very helpful.

Miso butter chicken

I’m hoping to make this recipe again but this time, enjoy it at our new (and clean) dining room table. I bought some miso a while ago for a recipe on my column and had a ton of it left over. I didn’t know what to do with it besides making miso soup so I began to research.

My friend had expressed her love for miso butter with salmon (which sounded so yummy). I began to think about this miso butter idea and came across tons of miso butter chicken recipes. Miso butter salmon sounds so good but at the time I was trying to find recipes with ingredients I already had at home. Unfortunately, I did not have any salmon.

In my research, I stumbled upon a recipe from Nerds With Knives. The photo alone made me want to lick the screen which means I had to try it immediately. THIS CHICKEN WAS SO GOOD. Yes, I had to scream it at you – I really need to get my point across. I didn’t change anything with this recipe so you can head to Nerds With Knives to get the ingredients. Please promise me you’ll make this.

I think the next time I make this, I’ll serve it with mashed potatoes (duh) and sit around our dining room table like adults.


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