I love infusing random things in liquors and seeing if they work and what mixers they work with. Most ideas work while some just need a little tweaking on the length of time it needs to be infused. Recently, I infused chai tea with bourbon and found it to be one of my favorite infusions. Since I had some tea lying around my place, I thought, why not keep up with the tea + liquor infusion and try something different. And so it happened, a light bulb went off: let’s infuse gin and green tea.
Sounds just crazy enough just to work. I didn’t infuse a ton of alcohol just enough to try it out and have some left over for experimenting. I used roughly 3/4 cup of gin, added 2 bags of green tea and poured it into a Mason jar. The key is to let the tea steep for just a few hours – just like the chai infused bourbon, if you leave the tea in too long it becomes very bitter. Don’t worry if it becomes too bitter, just add a splash of simple syrup and that should make it better.
Just like my coffee, I don’t want my cocktails to get diluted and so I made green tea ice cubes.
2 oz. gin
3 oz. tonic water
simple syrup, if needed
Happy Friday!
I love infusing random things in liquors and seeing if they work and what mixers they work with. best matcha powder perth