The Weekend

Thank you weather for being nice this weekend.  We’ve had some very interesting weather the last couple of weeks.  From freezing cold, to snow and ice to now spring-like weather.  The spring-like weather is definitely my favorite.  It just so happened that boyfriend and I had Friday (Valentine’s Day) free, which allowed us to frolic for a beautiful valentine’s lunch, a movie and just hangout around the city for a bit.  Very nice. It was actually even better to beat all the crowds before the evening.  Friday night, we were free to start the already popular season 2 of House of Cards.  I can’t even start with that show…the first episode alone left me speechless.  

Saturday night we visited the infamous Lamar’s lounge to say an early goodbye to my friend Sarah. Yes, that Sarah…SugarPie.  Sarah and her pies are heading back home to Detroit and I’m a little sad but Lamar’s is the perfect place to say goodbye and have a good time.

Friday’s valentine’s lunch from Hennen’s resulted in having the most delicious lobster bisque.  Ever. I also finally visited Copacetic Coffee & the Farmer’s Daughter and I loved it. It’s so beautiful in there, the staff was amazing and I can’t wait to head back soon…and hopefully do a blog post about it. The weather was so nice on Sunday that I was convinced to go on a hike.  Yes, a hike.  It was gorgeous and the weather was too good to sit in the house.  

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend.  Happy Monday!


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