So here’s the thing: I didn’t grow up eating grits. Ever. It wasn’t something that I craved nor was it a dish that my parents ever cooked. I did eat oatmeal growing up but definitely not grits. Even more shocking, it wasn’t until I moved to Atlanta in 2005 that I had even heard of a dish called shrimp and grits. I certainly had never thought of it has a dinner item. In my world, grits were only appropriate for breakfast. Since I had a non-existent relationship with grits, I definitely would have never ordered shrimp and grits at a restaurant. But here we are today, indulging in a creole shrimp and grits recipe.
At some point in my life, I decided to venture out and try it and I think I liked it. I didn’t love it but I liked it. It could be my go to dish to order at a restaurant where I was unable to see a menu item that grabbed my attention; it was my backup meal. I have a better relationship with shrimp and grits now although it’s still not my first choice at a restaurant, I’ve found myself more open to ordering it. I’m definitely more open to it if I’m preparing it in my own kitchen. I did have the most delicious shrimp and grits (ever) at Husk while John and I were visiting Charleston.
Before we get to the creole shrimp and grits recipe let’s first talk about where the recipe originated. When John and I got married, we registered for a few cookbooks. I feel like cookbooks aren’t necessarily an item that people register for but I like to cook and John likes to eat so a cookbook is a perfect gift for us. We were so lucky to receive Brown Sugar Kitchen which is a cookbook that also has a restaurant with the same name in Oakland, California. By the way, because of this cookbook, I’ve now added Oakland to our travel list because I have to try this restaurant. The shrimp and grits recipe was divine so I can only imagine that having it at the actual restaurant would be even better.
John even told me the next day that this might be his favorite dish that I’ve made. His list changes often but this tops the list apparently.
Let’s make Creole shrimp and grits
Please don’t be turned off by all of the separate recipes to make this dish. Both the sauce and the spice mix can be made ahead of time and takes no time to prep. It’s all very easy to put together and it’s well worth it because it’s just so delicious.
Creole Spice Mix
Creole Sauce
White Cheddar Grits
Creole Spice Mix
Creole Sauce
White Cheddar Grits
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