The Weekend

Last week, I had to take an unexpected break from blogging and work to go home to Virginia.  My dad had an emergency surgery, after already having one the previous week and unfortunately had some major complications. It was a pretty big scare and John and I drove to Virginia at 11pm Monday night.  Luckily, we were able to hang out with my mom and dad, a few family members and get some things done around the house for the parents.  I’m blessed that John was able to go home with me and that everything is ok for the time being but I must say: I’m exhausted. The crazy thing is, we’re heading back to Virginia this weekend!  My father is still in the hospital but hopes to be released at the end of this week and I’m meeting my best friend to go wedding dress shopping. So much going on but I have an amazing support system both here in Tennessee and all over the country; my friends are amazing.  Thanks to all of you!

taken from my Instagram

In helping my dad out, John and I returned to Tennessee with a dog…my parents’ dog.  We’re dog-sitting for the week.  I had a much-needed cocktail Friday night, attended the grand opening of a local vintage shop’s new location with my friend Jennifer (more on that later) and right before my eyes, I’m watching boyfriend become addicted to coffee.  This new addiction happened during our road trip and hasn’t stopped yet.  

Glad to be back and excited to see what this week will bring!


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